One of the many names of Hærvejen is the Ox Road, because the drovers used to drive the oxen along this road to the fields in the south. Therefore, this last stage is also called 'On the Ox Road'. Here you cycle over Gejlå Bridge and past Frøslev Camp, before arriving in Padborg.
Gejlå Bridge
On the north side of Bommerlund Plantation, Gejl Å flows. When you walk or cycle on the Hærvejen, you must cross the Gejlå Bridge to get over to the plantation. Close to the bridge, there is also a long parking lot that runs along an old stone fence, where you can park your bicycle.
Den smukke Gejlå Bro fører Hærvejen over åen. Stenbroen med dobbelt buer fra 1818 er én af kun en håndfuld bevarede broer på den gamle Oksevej. Broen er opført af Thomas Fries fra Flensborg og blev indviet den 21. august i 1818. Nogle af de flade sten under broen menes at være fra det vadested, der lå her, før den første bro blev bygget. I dag er broen fredet sammen med det 18m lange stendige.
Snyd ikke dig selv for en tur gennem Bommerlund Plantage, hvor du også kan besøge den smukke hede mose – Paradiset. Du kan være heldig at se råvildt, og i efteråret kan du finde både hindbær, tyttebær, blåbær og tranebær. Tæt på broen kan du også se mindestenen for Bommerlund Kro, en kro der blev kendt for sin snaps. Mindestenen er placeret dér, hvor kroen i sin tid lå.
Hærvejen 51, Gejlå, 6330 Padborg
The Customs and Border Museum
At Oldemorstoft, right in the middle of the intersection between the old Army Road and the Gendarme Path in Padborg, lies a historical treasure trove.
Here you can delve into the thousand-year history of the Danish customs service, which unfolds through an exhibition from the Danish Customs and Tax Museum. The artifacts tell not just the story of customs and border conditions, but also about life across the borders. Here you can learn about Doctor Lorenzen from Bov and his remarkable life, marked by the changing course of the border, and you can discover the Oldemorstoft farm, which dates back to the mid-15th century and has served as an inn, a bailiff's residence, and a royal lodging.
You can stroll through Oldemor's Abildgård, an orchard, and be seduced by the delicious fruits. The orchard is the result of a larger study of the South Jutlandic orchards. At the time, when collecting the "Danish" fruit varieties, South Jutland was left out, and therefore a number of South Jutlandic varieties exist today only because people, with old pomology in hand, have gone out to look for them. In the orchard, you can get acquainted with Karen Hanse's Apple from Hejsager or the Alsen cooking pear Kleffeluner, which may be traced back to the 1600s.
On the beautiful green areas, there is plenty of space for both picnic baskets and cozy moments. You can also take a break in the café, which offers warm coffee and homemade cookies.
Bovvej 2, 6330 Padborg
Frøslev Camp
Located in Frøslev Plantation, Frøslev Camp allows you to step directly into history. Built in 1944 as a German prisoner-of-war camp, it served as a prison for Danish resistance fighters. Today, it is one of the best-preserved POW camps in Western Europe.
Frøslev Camp is not just a place of historical significance; it is also a cultural hub where you can explore a variety of exhibitions. In addition to the Frøslev Camp Museum, which is housed in the Main Guard Tower and a former prisoner barracks, you can visit the Civil Defence League's Info Barrack, the Home Guard Museum, the Nature Agency's nature exhibition, the UN Museum, and Amnesty International's permanent exhibition.
Frøslev Plantation was planted between 1883 and 1900, and it is said that the compensation from the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-71 financed the afforestation. When you walk in the area, you can still find dunes and the moist depressions called 'klimper' among the trees.
Lejrvejen 83, 6330 Padborg
How do you get to and from the stage using public transport?
You can find your way to the stage using public transport by using the Rejseplanen and the Hærvejs app. To get to the starting point of the stage, you should enter the destination 'Kliplev St.' in Rejseplanen. Once you arrive, you can use the Hærvejs app to find your way to the Hærvej.
Useful links
Rejseplanen: www.rejseplanen.dk
Get a stamp in your Hærvej Passport
On this stage, you can get a stamp in your Hærvej Passport at Kliplev Church.