The 36 kilometers pass through varying landscapes and the towns of Arden, Vebbestrup, Døstrup, before you finish in the market town of Hobro. You can look forward to cycling through the lush Rold Skov and past the large Store Økssø.
Vebbestrup Dairy, located just north of Hobro, is not just a dairy – it's a true ice cream paradise. Originally, the dairy was famous for their milk and cheese, but today it's their homemade ice cream, sorbet, and cream ice that steal the spotlight. Their soft serve, in particular, is a heavenly treat that you owe it to yourself to try, and the dairy's range also includes a variety of organic options. As the icing on the cake, they always offer a little taste of their exciting cheeses.
In the store, you'll find everything your heart desires in terms of ice cream, as well as an impressive selection of cheeses, wine, cold cuts, and much more.
In Vebbestrup, you will also find a beautifully preserved medieval church with a fine carpenter-made altarpiece from the early 17th century, and a pulpit from the 18th century. In addition, there is a lovely shelter site, Naturfristedet, which is ideal for outdoor relaxation after some ice cream. It has facilities for about 50 people including a covered barbecue area, amphitheater, playground, water, and toilets.
Sdr. Truevej 1, Vebbestrup, 9500 Hobro
Hobro Rune Stone
In Hobro, you can find traces of the Viking Age that bring the past to life. One of these treasures can be found in the passageway at Hobro Library – a rune stone that tells a story of friendship and loss.
'Thore raised this stone in memory of his comrade Karl the Good, a very noble boy', reads the inscription on the rune stone. Thore and Karl were likely Swedish Vikings who visited the Hobro area around the year 1000. Near Ås in Västergötland, Sweden, a similar rune stone with almost identical inscription has been found. This cannot be a coincidence, and thus it is conceivable that Thore and Karl participated in a battle in the Hobro region where Karl died. In memory of his deceased comrade, Thore raised the rune stone before returning to Västergötland, where he erected another memorial stone. The runes on the Hobro stone have distinctive features that are characteristic of inscriptions in Västergötland, which supports the assumption that the stone-raiser came from the Swedish area.
In 1677, the Hobro stone was definitely standing in Hobro Cemetery, but written sources inform that the stone was moved to the cemetery as early as 1368 in connection with the church construction. After the erection of the current church, the rune stone stood for a while in the church's porch, but was moved to Hobro Library in 1925, where you can see the stone today.
Adelgade 28, 9500 Hobro
Rold Skov
Længst mod nord i naturskønne Himmerland ligger en af Danmarks største naturlige skove, Rold Skov. Skoven er et majestætisk vidunder på 8000 hektar og byder på en overflod af oplevelser for alle aldre: fra fortryllende vandreture langs skovens stier til udfordrende MTB-spor og ridning i det grønne.
I 1869 kom jernbanen til egnen, og byer som Skørping og Arden opstod. Samtidig kom der trinbræt midt ude i den store Rold Skov. Trinbrættet eksisterer ikke mere, men det hyggelige traktørsted Mosskovpavillionen ligger der stadig. En af Danmarks eneste nulevende kulsviere, der brænder trækul til grillbrug, findes også i skoven. I skovens dybe gemmer sig også oldtidsgrave og imponerende udsigtspunkter, samt jordfaldshuller og Troldeskov.
Noget ganske særligt for Rold Skov er de mange kilder, som er Nordeuropas mest vandrige. Hærvejen går ganske tæt forbi Lille Blåkilde, og ved Ravnkilden kan du komme så tæt på vandoverfladen, at du kan fylde drikkedunken. Kilderne løber ned i Lindenborg Å, og på den anden side af åen kan du se Rebild Centret med Thingbæk Kalkminer.
Rundt om i skoven kan du overnatte på primitive steder og nyde naturens ro og charme, og er du lystfisker, kan du fange aftensmaden i åerne, så der er ingen undskyldning for ikke at tage på tur i den naturskønne Rold Skov. Hvis du besøger skoven omkring Grundlovsdag, kan du se den vildtvoksende orkidé Frueskoen blomstrer, og året rundt venter skoven på at blive udforsket.
Rebild Porten, Rebildvej 25a, 9520 Skørping
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